Monday, September 13, 2010

Point Shoot Play and Meloo Photography

Seriously, if you want to learn how to get the most out of your camera - DSLR/SLR or regular point and shoot - then you HAVE to invest in one of these workshops offered by POINT SHOOT PLAY. Seriously, you will NOT regret it. I say invest because that is what it is - those cameras of ours cost serious dollars and get a fair workout, quite often without us taking the time to get to know how to use them properly - it is an investment in getting the most out of your camera and finally moving the dial off the green rectangle (aka auto function).
For our workshop, Mel from PSP presented one day entirely devoted to photography and a second just for continuing to improve our photo-editing skills. To say the weekend was awesome would be an understatement. Even though my head was not always in the right place (should have realised at the time that I was coming down with a head cold and stuffed up sinuses
again :( ) I loved being able to spend time watching Mel do her thing. What I wouldn't give for time to be her 'offsider or apprentice' - just being around her inspires me to work harder at improving my photography.

As part of our photography class, we also managed to fit in a photo shoot out here on the farm. I haven't got many pictures to share as I was busy trying to organise other stuff but check out this bit of awesome-ness Mel caputured of my boys. (insert major jealousy here - would kill to take photos like this girl.)

Nothing else to report here. We have hit what we love to call 'Hell Week' at school - Year 12 exam block as well as preparing and packing up all the Year 12 submissions to go off to panel (basically where we gather a sample of student work from our teaching area and send it away for other schools in the district to review - kinda like making sure everyone is teaching the same sorts of things and awarding similar grades/levels of achievement). Even the exams the kids do this week have to be marked, internally moderated and then sorted for district review. Get why we call it hell week now??? lol The best part about the week is that after Friday, we have two weeks holidays - need it so that we can catch up on all the other marking that gets put aside this week in order to get all the Year 12 stuff done.

Til next time,


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